Tuesday 27 May 2014

Bolton Ings et al - Monday 26th May

Started out at 09.30 and sunny, dry weather for a change, clouded over later but rain held off until I got home. A quiet day with hardly any migrants apart from c200 Swifts, a Buzzard put on a fine display and 10 Whitethroats was a good count. Breeding wise I saw my first well grown Lapwing chick and first broods of Moorhen. Full List :- Grey Heron 1, Mute Swan 2+8y, 2+4y, Canada Goose 26(4 broods), Grey Lag Goose 9(2 broods), Great Crested Grebe 2+2y, Little Grebe 5, Mallard 10, Gadwall 9, Shoveler 2, Tufted Duck 65, Pochard 12, Coot 67+18 broods(35y), Moorhen 6+2 broods of 2, Lapwing 5+1y, Oystercatcher 1, Black Headed Gull 178, Common Gull 1, LBB Gull 1, Common Tern 1, Kestrel 2, Buzzard 1, Grey Wagtail 1, Sand Martin c30, Swift c200, Willow Warbler 4, Chiffchaff 7, Blackcap 1, Whitethroat 10, Reed Warbler 5, Sedge Warbler 3.

An evening visit onto Old Moor saw 3 Mediterranean Gulls on the Wader Scrape, an adult and a second summer paired and a 1st summer. Also on the Wader Scrape were Avocet 7, drake Garganey, Common Gull and Common Tern 7 (7 had also flown North this morning). On the Reedbeds the Bittern was booming with a second bird seen in flight. On the Main Marsh were a drake Wigeon and 18 Mute Swans. On the Field Pools were a brood (2) of Redshank and at least 3 broods of Lapwings. A brood of 2 Oystercatcher chicks were on the Mere and earlier in the day a Hobby and 3 Buzzards had been seen. Finally a Grasshopper Warbler was singing on the Gypsy Marsh.

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