Tuesday 13 May 2014

Wintersett 13.05.14

8 -13°C,  showers first thing, then warm and sunny, with a light north westerly. Thunder and heavy shower mid afternoon.
Anglers CP: The drake  Garganey is still present.  2 Whimbrel flew north at 09.45hrs.  Yellow-legged Gull 1 adult.  
Wintersett Res: Arctic Tern 1,  Common Tern 7, Tufted Duck 7 + 28 CHRes.,  Sedge Warbler 2m, Sand Martin 4 and Kingfisher 1.


  1. Ange, an immature Common Gull came in briefly on Anglers and the drake Garganey appeared in front of the hide. We also had 2 Common Terns there as well as 7 on Wintersett, before the rain came. Our Richard found the larvae of Drinker Moth in Cudworth. Raye Dye also had one at Rabbit Ings recently.

  2. Thanks for the records Cliff. We have seen quite a few Drinker Moth larva around the Wintersett area recently.


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