Tuesday 6 May 2014

Wintersett Marauder Back! 06.05.14

8° - 14°C, scattered cloud, sunny and warm with a light south westerly.
Anglers CP: The Yellow-legged Gull and the Lesser Black-backed Gull, last seen 14 days ago,  flew in with a 2nd summer LBB Gull this afternoon. The YL Gull caused mayhem on the shallows before picking up a Canada Goose egg  and tucking into it on the shoreline.
Also - Common Sandpiper 2,  Little Ringed Plover and Teal 1m.
Wintersett Res: Grasshopper Warbler 1 m.
Broods around the area: Mallard  16 + 9 very small, 11 +  8small  and 9 medium,  Coot 3 vs young   Canadas 6 + 2 + 4 + 5.

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