Tuesday 17 June 2014

Old Moor nocturnal report - Tuesday 17th June

Mere - Black Necked Grebe 1, Oystercatcher 2 + 2 young, Peregrine 1 over.

Wader Scrape - Glossy Ibis flew over at 21.00 and landed on Wombwell Ings, Little Gull 1 first summer, Garganey drake, Teal 4 drakes (15 this morning), Avocet 6 adults + 1 chick, Little Ringed Plover 1, Redshank 2, Common Tern 5, Barn Owl 4.

Main Marsh - Mute Swan 15, Wigeon 1 drake, Little Egret 1, Oystercatcher 1, Redshank 1 juv, Barn Owl 1 (5 in total).

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