Saturday 2 August 2014

Old Moor Nocturnal Report - Friday 1st August

Mere - Green Sandpiper 1, Barnacle Goose 1.

Wader Scrape - Common Sandpiper 3.

Main Marsh - Mute Swan 19. Wigeon 2, Lapwing 530, Oystercatcher 6, Dunlin 1 adult, Green Sandpiper 2, Snipe 3, Common Tern 1 adult + 1 juv, Kestrel 1, Sparrowhawk 1, Green Woodpecker 1.

Roost in willows on Willow Pool - Grey Heron 5, Cormorant 7, Little Egret 16, Great White Egret 1.

The Great White Egret dropped into the roost at 20.21, it came in from up the valley.

The Little Egrets came in as follows - 6 already in, 1 at 19.05, 3 at 19.56, 1 at 20.05, 3 at 20.31, 1 at 20.40 and finally 1 at 20.53. We thought we might break the record tonight but failed miserably, our optimism was based on the numbers seen in the valley during the day. At 10.45 there were 2 on the Main Marsh, 16 at Adwick, 2 at Edderthorpe and 7 at Denaby making a grand total of 27 birds. Obviously not all the Egrets are roosting at Old Moor, the most suitable other roost site is Denaby, does anyone have any evidence of a roost at Denaby? All the Little Egrets we saw fly in tonight came in from down the valley - Adwick?

As I was leaving tonight a Tawny Owl was perched on the Cafe Balcony at the Visitor Centre.

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