Friday 1 August 2014

Old Moor Nocturnal Report - Thursday 31st July

Mere - Green Sandpiper 2, Common Sandpiper 2.

Wader Scrape - Barnacle Goose 1.

Main Marsh - Mute Swan 19, Wigeon 1, Lapwing c250, Oystercatcher 5, Black Tailed Godwit 4, Green Sandpiper 2, Snipe 1, Kestrel 1.

Roost in willows on Willow Pool - Grey Heron 5, Cormorant 8, Little Egret 13, Great White Egret 1.

The Little Egrets came in as follows - 2 already in, 1 at 19.54, 2 at 20.09, 1 at 20.10, 3 at 20.15, 2 at 20.18, 1 at 20.35 and finally 1 at 21.15. Of the 11 Egrets I saw come in 10 came from down the valley and 1 from up the valley.

The main news tonight was the Great White Egret which had been present all day (I think), while I was in the Field Pool West hide tonight I saw the Great White flying towards the willows on the Willow Pool. However there was no sign of it from any of the hides and we weren't sure if it had gone to roost or not? Then at 21.15 it flew out of the willows had a fly round and then flew back in. Hopefully it will still be with us tomorrow.

There was a dead adult Lesser Black Back on the breeding island tonight, don't know if it was one of the pair or more lunch?

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