Saturday 2 August 2014

Wintersett 02.08.14

Up to 20°C,  with a warm and humid southerly breeze. Just a short shower early afternoon and none of the predicted thunder and lightning.  There was a small movement of birds this morning.
Anglers CP: 4 Black-tailed Godwit flew SE at 09.20hrs.  20 Swift meandered through.  A Dunlin flew over calling and left east at 09.30hrs.  A Snipe also went east.  Highlight of the morning was an adult and a juvenile Sandwich Tern that went through slowly from 10.00 to 10.28 hrs., before leaving south.   3 Yellow Wagtails flew over.    Also Common Tern 1,  Common Gull 1 + 1 juv. and the usual adult Yellow-legged Gull came in after putting in an appearance at Pugneys.
Cold Hiendley Res:  There was a new brood of 2 vs Great Crested Grebe. The 5 GCG brood are all still present.  Tufted Duck 2 m young.  Pochard 2 and a female Goldeneye.
All photos courtesy of Paul Meredith.

       Adult Sandwich Tern                                 PM

     Adult Sandwich Tern                        PM

                    Psycho     YLGull                    PM  

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