Tuesday 5 August 2014

Wintersett 05.08.14

Late blog due to another successful jaunt.  This time for Stilt Sandpiper at Cresswell Pond.
Up to 20°C,  hot and sunny with 4/8 cloud and a light breeze.
Anglers CP:  The usual adult Yellow-legged Gull was present, along with 2 adult Common Terns. A Green Sandpiper flew over calling at 10.35hrs. The Ruddy Shelduck came over from Edderthorpe and dropped in at the northern end of the lake at 09.55hrs.,  before swimming to the shallows where it showed well until 10.10hrs. It was quite alert and calling frequently.  It flew off to the north at 10.40 hrs, but immediately returned and stayed around until at least 16.15hrs.  It wasn't seen later -  probably flushed by the cutters and balers working on the reserve meadows.  However, a juvenile Mediterranean Gull was on the rocks this evening.

                   Ruddy Shelduck       ACP            PMeredith
Juvenile Mediterranean Gull  ACP      SDenny

Here's a link to more pictures of Ruddy Shelduck by Mick Hemingway 

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