Wednesday 3 September 2014

Old Moor Nocturnal Report - Tuesday 2nd September

Main Marsh - Wigeon 11, LRP 1, Redshank 2, Greenshank 1, Black Tailed Godwit 5, Green Sandpiper 9, Common Sandpiper 1, Ruff 4, Dunlin 4, Spotted Redshank 5, Snipe 4, Barn Owl 1, Kingfisher 2.

Roost in willows on Willow Pool - Grey Heron 3, Cormorant 19, Little Egret 18.

The Little Egrets came in tonight as follows - 1 at 19.25, 2 at 19.41, 1 at 20.01, 2 at 20.07, 10 at 20.09, 1 at 20.16 and finally 1 at 20.21. Tonight 4 came in from up the valley and 14 from down the valley. The group of 10 birds that came in at 20.09 is the largest single group I have seen come in all summer/autumn. Where are they going in the day as there are no reports from any sites today of more than 4 birds. Unless they are gathering somewhere to flock up before they fly to roost, interesting.

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