Sunday 16 November 2014

Wintersett + Anglers Gull Roost 16.11.14

10°C, mild and calm and clear.
Anglers CP Vis Mig:  Pink-footed Goose 35 N at 07.25,  26 NW at 08.35 and 80 NW at 09.00.  Fieldfare 530 SW and 60 Starling W at 10.35hrs.
Anglers CP: Lesser Redpoll 30,  Greylag Goose 83,  Green Woodpecker 1, Water Rail 1+ 1 WRes and  Whooper Swan 1 adult.
(The usual adult  and a 3rd W Yellow-legged Gull were present all day) 
Anglers CP and Wintersett Res Gull Roosts held excellent totals for this time of year and in such mild weather!  Highlights were a 2nd W Caspian Gull in at 15.50hrs,  and a total of 4 Yellow-legs 1stW, 2ndW, 3rdW and the usual adult with his Lesser Black-backed mate. Common Gull 1300,   Herring 520,  Great Black-backed 90 and Lesser Black-backed 33.
It's worth noting that Pugneys also had a good Gull Roost tonight with a 3rdW Caspian Gull,  3YLGulls (1stW- which probably came to Anglers,  and  a 3rdW and and adult still present there at dusk.) So at least 6 YL's around.  
2nd W Caspian Gull      ACP                 PMeredith
Adult  Whooper Swan     ACP     PMeredith
2nd W Caspian Gull     ACP                         ASmith

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