Monday 17 November 2014

Wintersett + Gull roost 17.11.14

10°C, mild with rain to 09.00hrs and a light north easterly.  Wintersett Res west bank track flooded after heavy rain overnight.
Wintersett Res: Cetti's Warbler 1 and Water Rail 2
Anglers CP:  40 Golden Plover flew over northwards at 09.10hrs.  Siskin 1,  Goosander 12 + 1 WRes and Shoveler 43.
Anglers Gull Roost: 2 Yellow-legged Gulls, the usual adult (Psycho) and a 3rd W, were the only notables tonight.


  1. is the west bank of wintersett res the best place for cetti,s ? cheers.

  2. Yes - just stand on the path beyond the spillway bridge and listen. Definitely heard more than seen. Sometimes just a 'chick' call.


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