Saturday 22 November 2014

Wintersett + Gull Roost 22.11.14

7 - 10°C,  mild with 8/8 cloud and a light south westerly.
Anglers CP:  Golden Plover 1 over,  Snipe 20 W and Grey Partridge 8 in field.
Cold Hiendley Res: Whooper Swan 4 (2adults + 2 juvs) flew south at 11.50hrs.
Anglers CP Gull Roost: It was a large roost tonight but with no Caspians.  However it was quite exciting with several records of interest.  An adult male Red-breasted Merganser came in at 14.10 and left SW at 14.15hrs..  A very small, elegant looking 1stW Lesser Black-backed type arrived at 15.10hrs.   Next in were 2 Yellow-legs, the usual adult and a 1stW.  A White-winged Herring Gull, (not the same as Pugneys bird) flew in at 15,30hrs.  The adult Mediterranean Gull flew to its usual island for the third night in a row. Good light allowed its DARVIC to be read.  Left leg white on red 5P4, metal ring on right leg. A 1stW Little Gull came in briefly at 16.15hrs before flying SW towards Wintersett Res..
NB: Pugneys roost had a 2ndW Caspian and 2 Yellow-legged Gulls tonight. 

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White-winged Herring Gull       ACP   SDenny

1stW Lesser Black-backed type   ACP   SDenny

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1stW Lesser Black-backed type     ACP   SDenny

Adult Mediterranean Gull      ACP       SDenny

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