Wednesday 31 December 2014

Wintersett Annual Round Up 31st December 2014

The  weather this year has been the warmest  since records began.  However, May was wet and August was one of the coldest recorded and drove the Sand Martin to begin their migration early.  The winter has been mild so far,  with only the the last four days having temperatures slightly below freezing with 5cms of snow falling on Boxing Day. 

Autumn Visible Migration was slow this year with only a handful of memorable watches.  Pink-footed Goose,  Common Buzzard,  Wood Pigeon, Swallow,  Meadow Pipit and  Starling were the species with the biggest totals logged this year.

The Wintersett  Area recorded 167 bird species for 2014, way below the record of 179,  nevertheless we had some quality birds.

The Top Ten birds seen here this year were: -

 1. Black Stork   26th May

 2. Little Auk   6th Nov

 3. Glossy Ibis   29th June and  10 July

 4. Hooded Crow   12th May

 5. Kumlien’s Gull  25th Jan, 2nd Feb,  2nd Mar and 5th Mar.

 6. Lapland Bunting   27th Sept

 7. Red-throated Diver   10th Feb

 8. Dark-bellied Brent Goose   24th March

 9. Raven   1st April

10. Arctic Skua   26th August and 12th Sept.

Glaring omissions for the year were   Scaup,  Knot,  Bar-tailed Godwit,  Slavonian Grebe, Sanderling and Whinchat.

Other major highlights were:-

18th May - A Green Hairstreak  Butterfly 

7th September  -  A flyover by 2 Lancaster Bombers,  on their UK tour,  on the 100 year anniversary of the start of the First World War.

And finally –

We wish everyone a VERY  HAPPY  NEW  YEAR.
May your birding be excellent in 2015

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