Friday 26 December 2014

Wintersett + Gull Roosts 26.12.14

1°C,  cold with 1/8 cloud and calm this morning. Light south westerly this afternoon.
Wintersett Res: Water Rail 1 and Goosander 17.
Anglers CP: Woodcock 1.
Anglers CP Gull Roost had a hugely impressive roost tonight, with large gulls still arriving as it was getting dark.  Disappointingly, the only notables were the usual adult Yellow-legged and the ringed adult Mediterranean Gull. 
However, smaller numbers in the Wintersett Res. roost produced a juvenile Iceland at 15.20hrs,  an adult Caspian at 15.15hrs . a 3rd W Caspian at 15.25hrs and a 1st W Yellow-legged  Gull.
Also appearing:Great Black-backed   780 (730 CP + 50 Wres),  Herring 1690  (1350 CP + 340 WRes),  Lesser Black-backed 20  (5 ACP + 15 WRes),  Black-headed 11,000 (1000 CP + 10,000 WRes) and Common Gull 1000 WRes..   

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