Tuesday 13 January 2015

Broomhill Flash and Bolton Ings

Broomhill Flash.

Pink-Footed Goose 1 + c80 which dropped in around midday,
Canada Goose 103,
Greylag Goose 5,
Wigeon 21,
Pochard 6,
Mallard 2,
Tufted Duck 3,
Gadwall 2,
Common Gull 2,
Black-headed Gull c90,
Lapwing c20,
Peregrine Falcon 1♂.

Bolton Ings.

Teal 2,
Pochard 21,
Goldeneye 3♂ & 2♀,
Shoveler 42,
Gadwall 1,
Great-crested Grebe 1,
Mallard c12,
Wigeon 8,
Grey Heron 1,
Common Gull 9,
Kingfisher 1,
Mute Swan 3,
Cormorant 1,
Goosander 1♂,
Little Egret 1.

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