Thursday 1 January 2015

Wintersett Gull Roosts 01.01. 2015

2°C and cool because of the strong south westerly.
Successful jaunt to Fraisthorpe for Little Bustard  prevented the usual New Year list of all birds seen in the Wintersett Area.
Both Gull Roosts were watched this afternoon with 6 notables reported.  On Wintersett Res there was an adult Mediterranean Gull at 14.25hrs.   2 adult Caspians, one at 15.20 and one at 15.30.  A juvenile Iceland was seen at 16.20hrs.  Anglers CP had a 3rd W Caspian at 15.08 and the usual adult Yellow-legged Gull at 16.15hrs.   A total of 750 Great Black-backed, 600 WRes and 150 ACP.   Also  2420 Herrings 1860 WRes + 560 ACP.   Lesser Black-backed 4 WRes + 2 ACP.    2 x 1st W Herring x Glaucous Hybrids were present on ACP.
NB Broomhead Roost had a 1st W Yellow-legged Gull .
Pugneys roost had a lot of big gulls but the only notable tonight was a 3rd W Yellow-legged Gull.

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