Sunday 15 March 2015

Wintersett 15.03.15

5°C and mainly cloudy with a moderate easterly.
Anglers CP: The 1st W Mediterranean Gull, the adult Yellow-legged Gull and Lesser Black-backed Gull were all here this morning.  Great Black-backed Gull 20,  Grey Wagtail 1,  Buzzard 1 + 1 Botany,  Lapwing 27,  Goosander 2,  Pochard 14. Shoveler 3 m + 1 f,  Snipe 4 and Jack Snipe 3.   A Shelduck appeared this afternoon and was probably the one seen at Old Royston Flash earlier.
Wintersett Res: There was an influx of Chiffchaffs overnight,  with 12 heard in the area this morning.  A total 96 Goldeneye were counted in the area  (37 Res's + 59 ACP).   Curlew 1 over,  Fieldfare 20 W,  Redwing 10 W,  Water Rail 2,  Little Grebe 3 + 1 Botany,  Tree Sparrow 4 and  Great Black-backed Gull 20
ROCK PIPIT was heard on the west bank just before midday.  The white of the outer tail feather is a good indication that it is a Scandinavian Rock Pipit (Anthus petrosus littoralis)  in non-breeding plumage.

                     Scandinavian Rock Pipit          WRes                 AS

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