Saturday 18 April 2015

Cudworth Common, Saturday morning

Counts on Ferry Moor (Sash pond) Symphony and the Common;- Canada Goose 25 with at least 5 sitting on nests, Greylag Goose 14, Mallard 64, Gadwall 12, Wigeon 2, Teal 2, Tufted Duck 9, Coot 16, Moorhen 22, Grey Heron 3, Lapwing 46, Ringed Plover 8, LRP 1, Common Snipe 1, Redshank 6, Little Grebe 4, Skylark 37 singing birds (an amazing total), Whitethroat 2, Kingfisher 2. And loads of butterflies;- Brimstone, Small Tortoishell, Peacock, Orangetip......

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