Wednesday 1 April 2015

Edderthorpe AM.

Update from Bernard's earlier report. Goosander 10,(flew north later), Shelduck 17, Avocet 2, Redshank 10, Swallow 2, Sand Martin1, Little Egret 4, Wigeon 50+.
Symphony/ Cudworth Common, Ringed Plover 6, Redshank 4, Snipe 2, + 10 Skylark.


  1. A good post Ziggy and far more useful on this blog than on Twitter for anyone trying to record the birds that occur. In a few days time those on Twitter will be 'forgotten' or a hassle to retrieve, those on here are easy to find. Keep up the good posts.

  2. Couldn't agree more Graham. Both very useful, but those on the blog are far easier to retrieve (got m'recorders hat on).


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