Wednesday 15 April 2015

Old Moor Sofa

First of all apologies for late blog, due to internet/laptop problems.

An update on the number of species recorded in the Old Moor area this year, at the end of February the total was 103.

A further 9 species were added in March as follows - Sand Martin on 8th (104), Bean Goose on 10th (105), Rock Pipit on 14th (106), Caspian Gull on 14th (107), Kittiwake on 20th (108), Avocet on 23rd (109), Wheatear on 26th (110), Siskin on 27th (111), and finally Little Ringed Plover on 30th (112).

Already in April a further 12 species have been added as follows - Swallow on 1st (113), Marsh Harrier on 4th (114), Osprey on 5th (115), Ruff on 6th (116), Whimbrel on 8th (117), Little Gull on 10th (118), Willow Warbler on 10th (119), Common Sandpiper on 11th (120), House Martin (121) and Black Tailed Godwit (122) on Monday and Reed Warbler (123) and Yellow Wagtail (124) today.

For comparison some other inland sites totals are as follows - Lound, Nottinghamshire (130), Swillington, West Yorkshire (140) and Upton Warren, Worcestershire (115).

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