Wednesday 1 April 2015

Wintersett 01.04.15

6°C and mainly cloudy and dry, with a gusty westerly  prevailing.
Wintersett Res:    Swallow 1 + 2  north ACP,  Pochard 1 female, WILLOW TIT  1 NE corner  + 1 SW corner,  Goldcrest 1  and Water Rail 1.
Cold Hiendley Res: Gadwall 11 + 18 ACP
Anglers CP:  Common Scoter 1 female,  Sand Martin 1,  Curlew 1 west at  09.35hrs, Grey Partridge 2, Yellow-legged Gull 1 adult,  Lesser Black-backed Gull 1,  Pied Wagtail 21,  Wigeon 19,  Teal 8,  Cormorant 4,  Goosander 1,  Shoveler 1 male, and  Snipe 4.  5 Dunlin dropped in this afternoon.   

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