Sunday 5 April 2015

Wintersett 05.04.15

6°C, cool with 2/8 cloud and a very light south westerly this morning.  Sunny and 10°C by midday.
Anglers CP Vis. Mig: 08.30hrs - 12.00hrs.  Meadow Pipit 319 N - a Spring record for this site + 9 N  this afternoon,  Pied Wagtail 7 north, Common Gull 6 north.  
Anglers CP: A singing BLACKCAP was a first for the year.  Wigeon 30,  Pochard 1 male,Shoveler 5 + 7 south,  Oystercatcher 5, Yellow-legged Gull 1 adult and Lesser Black-backed Gull 1 adult
Wintersett Res: A  fisherman  saw an OSPREY flying north over at 07.39hrs.  (It had been seen at Old Moor at 07.15hrs per @ Barnsleybsg.)  Common Scoter 1 female.  Teal 14 + 15 ACP and  WILLOW TIT 3 (1 NE corner,  1 West bank, and 1 Willow Wood).
Butterflies:  Peacock 5,  Small Tortoiseshell 3. 

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