Tuesday 7 April 2015

Wintersett 07.04.15

10°C up to 15°C,  0/8 cloud, warm with a light north westerly.
Anglers CP:  An adult Whooper Swan was chased out onto the grass by one of the Mute Swans. Lynz Harston caught the action - see photos below.   Redwing 3,  Shoveler 3 + 1 WRes,  Wigeon 30,  Teal 13 + 17 WRes,  Goosander 1 1stW male and Snipe 4. 

Wintersett Res: Water Rail 2 + 2 ACP, Curlew 1 over,  Blackcap 1 male,  Willow Tit 1 male,  Redshank 1 over and  Kingfisher 1.
Wintersett Village:  Swallow 1.
Butterfly: Comma 1 CHRes.


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