Thursday 16 April 2015

Wintersett 16.04.15

7°C  with 8/8 cloud and flat calm,  sunny by midday.
Anglers CP:  A Siskin  flew north at 08.00hrs.   White Black-headed Gull 1 1stW,   Common Sandpiper 1,  Wheatear 1 m, Meadow Pipit 1 N,  Shelduck 1, Teal 2,  Goldeneye 13 + 4 WRes.,  Shoveler 1 m,  Wigeon 1 m + 1 f,  Cormorant 9,  Grey Partridge 1 and Greylag Goose 5.
Old Royston Flash: Little Ringed Plover 1.
Wintersett Res: Whitethroat 1 m,  Sedge Warbler 3 m,  Grasshopper 1 m,  Kingfisher 1 and Grey Heron 2. 
Other critters:  The  Yellow-bellied Slider was in the Boathouse reeds and and a Weasel was seen this afternoon. WRes..
Common Sandpiper   ACP        Lynz Harston

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