Thursday 9 April 2015

Wintersett - 3 to add to the year list. 09.04.15

6°C  with 4/8 cloud until mid morning, then 14°C,  clear and sunny with a light south westerly.
Anglers CP: Sand Martin 7 north,   Curlew 1 SW,  Snipe 11,  HOUSE MARTIN 1 - first for the year,  Pochard 1 m + 1f,  Shoveler 2m, 1f  +  1m, 1f Wres,  Teal 6 + 3 WRes and  Blackcap 2 + 4 WRes.  Yellow-legged Gull 1 adult and Lesser Black-backed Gull 1 - Oystercatcher (not sitting)
Botany Hill: Redwing 1.
Wintersett Res: WILLOW  WARBLER 1 + 3 ACP first of the year,     WILLOW TIT 2 NE corner + 1 WB, Kingfisher 1,  LITTLE RINGED PLOVER 1 over north at 09.50hrs - first of the year,  Water Rail 1.
Reptile:   A Yellow-bellied Slider (Terrapin),  Trachemys scripta scripta,  was basking in the sun in the boathouse reedbed.  This is the third type of  turtle seen here.  The Res also has a long time resident Red-eared Terrapin and a Chinese Soft-shell Turtle.

Yellow-bellied Slider                   Winterset Res       ASmith

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