Thursday 7 May 2015

Wintersett 07.5.15

8°C, warm with 6/8 cloud and a light south westerly. 
It was great to meet the many visitors who came to to see the adult drake LESSER SCAUP  still on Wintersett Res today.   An added bonus was 4 Whimbrel on the boathouse slipway, before they flew over to Anglers CP shallows  mid afternoon.  Also around WRes were: - a Cuckoo calling in the south east corner,  Common Tern 7,  Sedge Warbler 7 males, Common Sandpiper 1 + 1 ACP,  and 4 very small Mallard ducklings. 
At Anglers CP the BLACK-NECKED GREBE was still present but diving continually.  3 Shelduck were in first thing.  One was chased off but two were still around in the afternoon. 

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