Thursday 2 July 2015

Wintersett 02.07.15

A very comfortable 16 -20°,with sunny intervals, scattered cloud and a  light westerly.
Anglers CP: Curlew 2,  Common Sandpiper 1,  Water Rail 1,  Common Gull 1 1st summer and Oystercatcher 2 adults and 1 juvenile.
Sand Martin Box ACP:  Holes at Middle 4 and Bottom 7 have young at entrance,  Bottom 8 has a breeding pair.   Two new prospectors are looking at Middle 6  and Bottom 6.
Wintersett Res: Hobby 1 adult over at 09.20hrs,  Common Tern 1,  Siskin 2over,  Grasshopper Warbler 1 m and Gadwall 1m + vs young.
Birds ringed today included:- Blackcap 5, Garden Warbler 4,  Chiffchaff 14 and Willow Warbler 5.
Odonata: Brown Hawker 1 ACP and Broad-bodied Chaser 1 m Golf Course Pond.

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