Monday 3 August 2015

An Intriguing Gull

What, in August, never!
Came across this bird at Ingbirchworth Res. briefly on Saturday morning and then yesterday morning (2nd), when I had a better chance to observe it. Oddest feature about the bird was the slimmer, smaller jizz compared to the Lesser Black-backs. I'd estimate about 20% smaller. This, allied with the angular head, strikingly long primaries and the way it seemed to sit lower in the water gave it a pretty distinct look. This time of year's obviously the worst period of all to observe young gulls, with lots of them looking 'clapped out'. In this bird's case I couldn't even make out the tertial pattern, which  reckon was due to wear. The jizz reminded me of a 1st year Caspian Gull but the bill was too heavy and the mantle too consistent with  1st summer LBBG for this species. Probably a 'runt' LBBG, but then again...
Obviously Id welcome any comments. I've a few hour spare on Wednesday so will have another look then.

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