Wednesday 19 August 2015

Edderthorpe Mon to Wed

The two Garganey are still present and usual can be found amongst the Teal in the water area closest to the layby. Teal numbers are slowly creeping up, 121 on Wednesday morning, Shoveler remain just below 90 and a single Wigeon is present.
Little Egrets have been present in good numbers particularly in late morning and afternoon times, 21 on Tuesday and 22 on Wednesday. A cream-crown Marsh Harrier was present Tuesday.
Waders remain in good numbers;- 12 Black-tailed Godwits are present, a Avocet made a brief appearance on Tuesday, Ruff are putting on a good show with 4 on Monday, 7 on Tuesday and 14 on Wednesday, mostly juveniles but 2 adults amongst them. Three Greenshank are present, between 7 and 10 Dunlin, a couple of Ringed Plovers, a few Common Sandpipers and up tp 4 Green Sandpipers (the latter are usually found on Houghton Washlands). 420 Lapwing were counted Monday and around 20 Common Snipe can be seen.
A Wheatear and 5 Yellow Wagtails are present on Wednesday.

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