Monday 10 August 2015

Edderthorpe, Monday

The autumn build-up of dabbling ducks is gathering pace, finding the low water levels ideal for feeding. Over 700 Mallard counted today shows the excellent breeding season this species has had here this year. A juv Shelduck remains, Shoveler are up to 53 and Teal to 46. At least 4 Garganey are still present (2 juveniles on Houghton and 2 adults on Edderthorpe). At least 6 different birds have been here during the last week (2 adults, 4 juveniles) and raises the question if they might have bred successfully somewhere locally? Black-tailed Godwit 5, Ringed Plover 5, Dunlin 4, Common Sandpiper 3, Green Sandpiper 5, Redshank 5, Greenshank 4 and Common Snipe 15 were all present today.

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