Saturday 15 August 2015

Edderthorpe, Saturday

Yesterdays rain has made little difference to the low water levels, still loads of (mostly dry) mud. Two Garganey are still feeding happily amongst the growing Teal which are now up to 90, Shelduck 2 and Wigeon 2 are amongst them. At least 12 Little Egrets and 7 Grey Herons are present. The waders include;- Lapwing 370, Black-tailed Godwit 11, Redshank 4, Greenshank 6, Green Sandpiper 4, Common Sandpiper 3, Dunlin 4, Ruff 4 juveniles, Curlew 1 and Common Snipe 14. A late Cuckoo is still lingering on and 2 Wheatears are present.

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