Sunday 16 August 2015

Edderthorpe, Sunday

National Wildfowl count day again, the following are combined totals for Edderthorpe Flash and Houghton Washlands (not much on the Washlands as they are close to drying up).
Mute Swan 12, Canada Goose 332, Greylag Goose 148, Shelduck 2, Mallard 700, Teal 112, Gadwall 102, Shoveler 88, Garganey 2, Wigeon 2, Tufted Duck 6, Cormorant 6, Little Grebe 10, Little Egret 14 including a colour ringed bird red 'K' on left leg yellow 'A' on right leg which has been seen at Old Moor and Adwick recently although we're still waiting to hear where it was ringed, Grey Heron 7, Moorhen 57, Coot 30, Lapwing 370, Black-tailed Godwit 11, Ruff 4, Dunlin 5, Ringed Plover 2, Greenshank 3, Redshank 1, Green Sandpiper 6, Common Sandpiper 2, Common Snipe 25, Kingfisher 2.
A Common Redstart is on Deepcar Lane and there are also plenty of warblers in that area;- Chiffchaff 19, Willow Warbler 5, Blackcap 3, Common Whitethroat 5.

The nearby wetlands at Ferry Moor and Cudworth Common were also covered, the best being a further 5 Little Egrets, obviously attracted to the Common by the very low water levels and easy feeding there.

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