Friday 7 August 2015

Wintersett 07.08.15

16 - 20°C with sunshine and a warm southerly, until mid afternoon when it clouded over.
Anglers CP:  Black necked Grebe 1 adult + 2 juveniles.  Gadwall 1,  Pochard 2, Siskin 2 over,  Grey Wagtail 1 and Swift 30.   3 pairs of Sand Martins still have nests in the box  at middle row 4 and bottom row 6 and 8.
Wintersett Res: Common Tern 5.
43 birds were ringed this morning, including:  Garden Warbler 3, Blackcap 4,  Reed Warbler 9, Chiffchaff 12 and Willow Warbler 7.

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