Monday 31 August 2015

Wintersett 31.08.15

11°C , cool with steady/light rain until mid afternoon and a light north westerly.
Anglers CP Vis Mig:   3 Ringed Plover flew east at 09.00hrs.  2 Dunlin went over south at 09.40hrs.  A Wheatear came in from the east at 15.55hrs.
Anglers CP:   Greylag Goose 138,  Pochard 31, Teal 13, Wigeon 6,  Shoveler 3, Little Grebe 4 Lapwing 270,  Goldfinch 70, Common Sandpiper 1,  Grey Wagtail 2 and Snipe 1.
2 Hobbies were over,  hunting hirundines this afternoon.

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