Saturday 19 September 2015

Carlton Marsh

The highlights today were; Little Egret, Coal Tit, Siskin, Tawny, Little and, Barn Owl, briefly this evening. 2 Green Sandpipers arrived on the wader scrape at mid-day, but had gone by teatime. However, 1 flew over the main marsh at about 7pm.
This shot of a Kingfisher is for the two ladies, who I don't think managed to see one today. It could be the ringed juvenile I re-trapped this evening! 

Richard Laverack
Chiffchaff (Richard Laverack)

Another vapourer moth was flying and Migrant and Brown Hawker were also enjoying the afternoon sun. Speckled Wood were found in good numbers and Red Admiral was present.

Fungi included Fly Agaric, Poison Pie and Clouded Agaric.

Storrs Mill Wood Area
Painted Lady, Comma 12, Speckled Wood 206, Brown Argus, Brimstone 3 and a large female Grass Snake.
(Chris Parkin)

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