Friday 25 September 2015

Carlton Marsh

The highlights today were; Little Egret, Green Sandpiper (Keith Bannister) Little Grebe 5, Swallow 6 south, meadow Pipit 3 south, Kingfisher 2, Siskin 5 and Willow Tit 2. (SE3709) Just as I was about to go home a female Peregrine flew over the hide heading north at 17.51hrs. Then a Buzzard was calling to a very light phase bird on a post overlooking the wader scrape.

Butterflies included Red Admiral 10, Comma, Speckled Wood 62, Brown Argus, Common Blue and Small Copper.

Southern Hawker, Vapourer moth and Straw Dot moth were also on the wing.

(Chris Parkin)

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