Friday 4 September 2015

Edderthorpe, Mon to Fri

Some pretty impressive numbers of wildfowl the last couple of days at dawn, despite the shooting (killing) season opening;- Canada Goose 864 (probably a record count for the site), Mallard 820 and Shoveler went from 215 at the end of August to a record breaking 263 on Friday 4th September. There are still 3 Garganey present. Little Egrets were noted roosting in the riverside trees for the first time this autumn on Thursday night/Friday morning, 4 birds were present. Many of the waders have now moved on after the water levels have risen but there are still;- up to 6 Ruff, 2 Greenshank, 1 Redshank and 4 Dunlin with a few Common Snipe and plenty of Lapwings. Lesser Black-backed Gulls have been far more numerous with up to 57 roosting overnight. At least 4 Yellow Wagtails are feeding around the Flash shore.

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