Sunday 13 September 2015

Weekend 12th,13th/ 9/15.

Ewden shooting cabin and return today 13th. Very steady with a couple of disappointments. On the plus side- 2 Peregrines with 1 chasing a pigeon briefly, Buzzard 6, Kestrel 6, Raven 7, Stonechat 4, Mistle Thrush 6, small flocks of Siskins all way up the valley with a total of 110. On the minus side- a very distant accipiter was thought to be a Goshawk, lost to view behind ewden height. A falcon on the way down was probably a fem type imm Merlin. Wilthorpe Marsh on 12th - Yellow Wagtail 1, Green Sandpiper 5, Siskin 2, G Pecker 1, Little Owl 1, Willow Tit 1 at s.f. This evening 13th- 1 Whinchat, 1 Spotted Flycatcher, 13 Lapwing, 1 GS Pecker, 4 Willow Tits with a pair on the river, 1 at s.f. and 1 near oxbow pond.

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