Wednesday 2 September 2015

Wintersett + Gull Roost 02.09.15

12 - 16°C with 4/8 cloud and a cool, light northerly.
Anglers CP: A Tree  Pipit  and a Yellow Wagtail flew over early doors.
Cold Hiendley Res: Goldeneye 1♀ in wing moult.
Wintersett Res: Redpoll 1 S and Meadow Pipit 2 S.  Cetti's Warbler 1♂ + 1 and Water Rail 1. An adult Yellow-legged Gull was on a buoy.
47 birds were ringed this morning, including 14 Chiffchaff,  11 Willow Warbler,  6 Blackcap,  Reed Warbler 4,  Sedge Warbler 2 and Swallow 6.
Gull Roosts per Stev Denny: - 122 Lesser Backbacked, 4 adult Yellow-legged & 500 Blackheaded Gulls.

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