Saturday 5 September 2015

Wintersett 05.09.15

14°C with 4/8 cloud and a very cold north westerly wind. 
Anglers CP: Common Sandpiper 1,  Wigeon 15,  Teal 5, Cormorant 8 + CHRes,  Common Gull 2 and Yellow-legged Gull 2 adults
Haw Park Wood: Siskin 20 + 6 over CHRes,  Hobby 2 juvs mobbing a Buzzard  + 5 more Buzzard around the area.  Treecreeper 3, and  Nuthatch 1 + 1 WRes,
Wintersett Res: Meadow Pipit 1 S,   Yellow Wagtail 2 + 1 over CHRes,  Cetti's Warbler 1♂, Garden Warbler 1,  Shoveler 3 and Water Rail 1.  Hirundine totals for the area - Swallow 100,  House Martin 400 and Sand Martin 10.
92 birds were ringed today, including  49 House Martin,  1 Sand Martin,  14 Chiffchaff,  3 Willow Warbler,   9 Blackcap,  6 Reed Warbler, 2 Sedge Warbler and 1 Whitethroat.

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