Thursday 10 September 2015

Wintersett 10.09.15

11 - 17°C  with sunshine and a light easterly.
Wintersett Res: 1 Sand Martin and 150 Goldfinch. 
Haw Park Wood: Hobby 1 adult.
Cold Hiendley Res: Kingfisher 2 and Goldeneye 1♀
Anglers CP: A Siskin flew over,  an adult Yellow-legged Gull and 6 Shoveler were in this afternoon.
31 birds were ringed this morning, including14 Chiffchaff,  3 Willow Warbler,  3 Blackcap,  2 Whitethroat ,  2 Reed Warbler and 5 Reed Bunting.
Odonata: A Southern Hawker and a Brown Hawker were on CHRes.

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