Thursday 29 October 2015

Wintersett Ringing Recoveries 29.10.15

A first year Willow Warbler ringed at Steyning (West Sussex)on 7th August 2014, 
was retrapped at Anglers CP on 2nd August 2015,  at a distance of 315 kms to the NNW.

A first year Willow Warbler ringed at Wintersett Reservoir on 24th July 2015,
was retrapped at Litlington  (East Sussex) on 7th August 2015, at a distance of 333kms to the SSE.

A first year male Blackcap ringed at Birtley Sewage Works (Tyne and Wear)
on 29th August 2015, was retrapped at Wintersett Reservoir
on 9th September at a distance of 144kms to the south.

A first year Reed Warbler ringed At Wintersett Reservoir on 15th August 2015,
was retrapped at Stanford Reservoir (Northamptonshire) on 1st September 2015,
at a distance 0f 135kms to the south.

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