Sunday 22 November 2015

Reservoirs and The Flouch

Enjoyed a few hours ambling around the local resers this morning. Low expectations as usual but a few things of note.
At Ingbirchworth - 13 Tufted Duck, female Pochard, 10 Wigeon and 7 Teal. At an unseasonaly low Scout Dike - 18 Cormorants (very probably a site record for me, here), 215 Lapwings in fields to the E, single Golden Plover W, 8 Grey Partridge off Folly Lane and two Tree Sparrows were in a garden between here and Thurlstone - the first time I've seen them here. A steady procession of starlings were also heading west.
At the Flouch - 17 Herring Gulls and a single Great-Black-back Gull flew west.

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