Saturday 30 January 2016

Wintersett + Gull Roosts 30.01.16

5 degrees with a few short sunny spells and a gusty south westerly this morning.  2 degrees with rain, sleet and a strong westerly late afternoon.
Wintersett Res: An adult Peregrine flew west at 08.43hrs +  2 Peregrine flew over ACP at 09.50hrs.  A Cetti's warbler was in the north west corner.
Anglers CP: A Buzzard flew over.  Teal 2.
Two good gull roosts were watched tonight:
The juvenile Kumlien's Gull flew in to WRes at 16.15hrs and then flew to Anglers CP Roost at 16.45hrs. It was joined by the juvenile Glaucous Gull at 16.55hrs
WRes Roost.  A 2nd W Iceland Gull was on at 16,50hrs and a 1stW Caspian Gull at 17.07hrs.

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