Sunday 28 February 2016

Ewden, cabin and return + 28/2/16.

Midday till 5pm. Cold but not uncomfortable with the south facing gable of the cabin a good sun trap.- Red Kite 1 went south over flint hill towards dukes rd. at 3-30pm + Peregrine 1, Sparrowhawk 2, Buzzard 1, Kestrel 1, Raven 10+ with some top views, 55 Jackdaws at holt farm, 2 calling Golden Plovers on broomhead moor, 17 Lapwing over, Stock Dove 2, Linnet 10, 1 Treecreeper at entrance gate. This morning 40+ Curlews in fields near barnside farm and 4 Curlews back on territorys in the kexboro area.

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