Monday 22 February 2016

Langsett - Midhope via Ingbirchworth

Brown's Edge, Langsett - 30+ Golden Plovers.
Upper Windleden Reservoir - three pairs Canada Geese and 24 Lapwings.
Winscar Reservoir - 6 Canada Geese, 91 Mallards, 1 Kestrel, 70+ Black-headed Gulls and 1 Common Gull.
Tinker Hill - 1 Curlew SW, c10 Carrion Crows and 1+ Raven.
Ingbirchworth Reservoir - 48 Greylag Geese, 255 Canada Geese, 24 Mallards, 7 Tufted Ducks, 10 Coots, 2 Moorhens, c150 Black-headed Gulls, 15+ Common Gulls and 3 Herrings Gulls.
Thurlstone (fields to the north-west of & Top o' th' Town areas) - 60+ Black-headed Gulls, c20 Common Gulls, c100 Jackdaws and 120+ Rooks.
Whitley Edge - 120+ Rooks.
Whitley Common - 30+ Lapwings and c100 Starlings.
Midhope Reservoir- 3 Greylag Geese, 1 drake Gadwall (first here since January 1997), 2 Teal, 11 Mallards and 1 Sparrowhawk.

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