Monday 29 February 2016

Old Moor Sofa

An update on the number of species recorded in the Old Moor area this year, I said the total at the end of January was 99 but I had missed one therefore revised total is exactly 100.

A further 6 species were added in February as follows :- Redshank on 4th (101), Red Necked Grebe on 5th (102), Caspian Gull on 20th (103), Curlew on 21st (104), Mediterranean Gull on 23rd (105) and finally Red Crested Pochard on 26th (106).

 At the end of February 2015 the total was 103 so we are slightly up on last year.

The great start to the year continued in February with the 3rd ever record of Red Necked Grebe on the 5th. However 6 species had been seen last year by the end of February but not this - Merlin, Mandarin, Red Kite, Chiffchaff, Blackcap and Stonechat.

For comparison some other inland sites totals to date are as follows:-

Lound, Nottinghamshire 114.
Swillington Ings, West Yorkshire 113.
Upton Warren, Worcestershire 96.
Potteric Carr, South Yorkshire ??.
Hatfield Moors, South Yorkshire 103.

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