Thursday 25 February 2016

Reservoirs and Hartcliff Hill

Out this morning in the glorious winter sunshine, and signs of spring despite a light dusting of the white stuff up on the hill!
Of note: Ingbirchworth Res - male Goosander and a flock of 15 Curlew over; Scout Dike Res - a party of 35 Meadow Pipits were my first spring 'flock', 3 Great Crested Grebes and 3 redhead Goosanders, and singing male yellohammer; Royd Moor Res - male Goldeneye and single GCG. Hartcliff - c.65 Fieldfares, 45 Golden plover, 2 Curlew, 2 Buzzards, single Lesser Black-back Gull NW and a flock of c.40 Skylarks feeding in a fodder crop- the largest party I've had on my regular haunts for some time - a sign of the times perhaps? Also, a very distant skein of 100+ Pink feet heading NW over Gunthwaite at 10.35

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