Thursday 11 February 2016

Scout Dike and Silkstone 10th Feb

A day late due to internet gremlins!
Out in the welcome sunshine for a few hours: Scout Dike Res - single Jack Snipe and at least 8 Common Snipe, single male Goosander, 8 Tufted Duck; the first GC Grebe of the year; the first singing male Reed Bunting and first Meadow Pipit; 10 Redwings and a calling Nuthatch was my first here since 17th September 2006, which was also the date I had a local mega - Spotted Redshank!
Silkstone SF  -no sign of the Firecrest but 2 Chiffchaffs performing well, but only 11 Pied Wags. Roll on Spring!
Russ updated!

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