Tuesday 16 February 2016

Wintersett + Gull Roost 16.02.16

0 degrees,  very cold and frosty,  0/8 cloud with a south easterly  to southerly.
Anglers CP: Wigeon 271,  Shoveler 3,  Gadwall 32 + 39 WRes,  Oystercatcher 2,  Redwing 15,  Siskin 1 and Barn Owl 1.
Moorhouse Lane Pond: Teal 28
Botany Bay: A Stoat was seen this morning.
Anglers CP Gull Roost had excellent numbers of large gulls arriving from 17.00hrs.  Herring Gull 1500.  2 notables tonight.  The 2ndW Iceland Gull was in at 16.45hrs and a 1stW Caspian was in at 17.10hrs.

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